Versatile Blogger Award


Flightattendantfailures has been nominated by Petre41 for the Versatile Blogger Award.  You can read the history of this award at Versatile Blogger Award.

Thank you for this precious gesture!  This is a great honor.

It’s taken me awhile to accept this nomination because I always worry over not passing it on to a blogger who deserves it.  As well, I like nominating bloggers who I’ve not nominated previously.

The award rules are:

Thank the person who nominated you

Share the award on your blog

Share seven random facts about yourself

Select 15 bloggers and let them know that they have been nominated.

Seven facts about me are:

  1. I enrolled in college after marriage and starting a family, and was employed full-time as an office manager.
  2. My first college major was journalism. After the first year when I learned that entry level positions in journalism paid less than I earned as an office manager, I changed my major to business administration.
  3. I love movies, especially those with symbolism that directors leave to viewers to determine. Quentin Tarantino does that and is one of my favorite movie directors. (Am I the only person who thinks that the character Daisy Domergue in The Hateful 8 represents the constitution, and the character John Ruth represents the judge keeping her inline?)
  4. There is a history for why my blog is titled Flightattendantfailures. Its focus is on internet harassment, but it is not my main blog.  My main blog is We Hold We Truths To Be Self-Evident, aka Blackbutterfly7.
  5. I play violin and have a love and appreciation for various genres of music.
  6. Dogs are my favorite animals. I’ve owned dogs since the age of eight.
  7. Salads are my favorite food.

The nominees are:




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6 Responses to Versatile Blogger Award

  1. NavyDad0007 says:

    Congrats!! You deserve it Xena 🙂

  2. NavyDad0007 says:

    You Know I didn’t understand the Tweet about ME being nominated 🙂 I don’t Write Blogs I wish I was half the Writer You are Xena Thank You For the Nomination 🙂

    • Xena says:

      Thanks for your kind words.

      The Versatile Blogger award originated to be awarded to bloggers who show love. You still qualify, although you reblog. Congratulations.

  3. Gronda Morin says:

    Dear Xena,
    I am very appreciative to have been considered for this “Versatile Blogger” Award. I can’t thank you enough for this honor and for all that you do for all of us bloggers and for me.

    Hugs, Gronda

    • Xena says:

      You are very welcomed, and thank you for your kind words. You deserve the award. Your blog is fantastic and I admire your commitment. When you’re ready to accept the nomination, and if you need help getting the award on your blog, just let me know.

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